Friday, October 23, 2015

Download Ebook , by Richard Grant Richard Grant

Download Ebook , by Richard Grant Richard Grant

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, by Richard Grant Richard Grant

, by Richard Grant Richard Grant

, by Richard Grant Richard Grant

Download Ebook , by Richard Grant Richard Grant

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, by Richard Grant Richard Grant

Product details

File Size: 1159 KB

Print Length: 282 pages

Publisher: Abacus (February 2, 2012)

Publication Date: February 2, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,097,320 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I am a solo backpacking traveler--more than 24 third-world countries on four continents. Two of my sojourns have been to Africa and so I understood well the trials and tribulations of Grant--the reasons for his choosing his route and destinations and the inevitable discombobulated nature of his trip. I know full well that no travel in Africa is ever linear, coherent or predictable no matter how well thought out or planned. For some unfathomable reason it is the nature of Africa, as no other place in the world, to confound those who visit and stymy those who search for answers there to grand questions and attempts to glean its soul.What happened to Grant also happened to me and countless others. Prior to going there, after extensive research on my intended route, I thought I knew what to expect but once there I immediately found myself adrift in a completely alien world with no direction and no way home. My mind was constantly enveloped in a fog as if I were in a dream-- I was unable to think clearly and found myself always trapped in the present with no consciousness of past or future--and so I drifted from one event to the next-- never knew where I would find myself next--never knew where I should go or what I should do. I might have been there forever but as all dreams end, so too did my stay there. How I managed to hang onto enough sanity, reason and strength to do what I had to do to leave I do not know. Grant's experience seemed to mirror mine in all respects--incoherent, discombobulated and without direction. Any third world vagabond would enjoy and identify with his account and recognize it as authentic.The quote I most liked was Grant's reference to Raymond Aron's thought that "Optimism is usually the effect of an intellectual error." How true--particularly in Africa. A thoroughly organized and linear story, as it is thought most good books should be, it was not--but it was refreshingly real.It is true that Africa is the most beautiful, most intriguing, most spellbinding, place on Earth and once you've been there you will always return---but Africa will, in the end, break your heart."And There I Was" by DH Koester

Okay, now that I've gone on record on Amazon about how actively I disliked Julian Smith's Crossing the Heart of Africa — an award winner? really ? — I feel it only right to explain exactly WHY I enjoyed Crazy River so much. Comparing the two, to me, is like comparing Paul Theroux with a college undergraduate essaying his way through first-year creative writing.Grant is acerbic, witty and a keen observer of human nature. I have traveled extensively in Tanzania and on Zanzibar; Grant got Zanzibar spot on. And not a romanticized, 19th century version of Zanzibar, either, but Zanzibar as it is in 2015.Grant has an expedition in mind — he's quite up-front about how quickly his plans fall apart, and his own shortcomings as a would-be explorer. Even though his plans fall apart, though, he stays on a linear course. Crazy River has a genuine beginning, middle and a real end. That ending, in Rwanda, following a face-to-face sit-down interview with Rwandan president Paul Kagame, immediately after being overwhelmed at the genocide memorial in Kigali, reads both true and profound, and is not at all what you might expect.I cannot overemphasize how much I enjoyed Crazy River, and how much I appreciated being taken on Grant's journey with him. And make no mistake: This book is so sharp, so keenly observed, so well-written, so fascinating in every respect, that as a reader you are genuinely there with him, every step of the way.I know a little bit of Africa. Not much, just what I've seen with my own eyes and experienced myself. I know people — expats and locals both — who live in Tanzania, Kenya and other countries, and have either chosen to make East and Central Africa their home, or have lived there all their lives.For me, Crazy River captures this corner of Africa exactly as it is, today, right now, in this day and time. It's neither an optimistic nor a pessimistic view. Rather, it feels simply . . . honest.I haven't read any of Grant's other work. Based on this book alone, though, he strikes me as mad talented.

Grant is a very witty writer. His journey through Tanzania was fascinating and frequently funny. Once he is in Rwanda, things turn to a far more serious level, with discussions about the genocide of the early 90's. His interview with President Paul Kigane was very thorough and inspired me to read much more about this fascinating multi-layered president. Some call him a benevolent tyrant who is also ultimately responsible for the deaths of thousands, all in the interest of preserving the government and protecting thousands of its citizens.This is a book well worth reading, especially if one is planning to visit Africa, which I am. I also have started reading some of Richard Grant's other books.

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