Sunday, November 11, 2012

Download Ebook , by Peter A. Levine

Download Ebook , by Peter A. Levine

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, by Peter A. Levine

, by Peter A. Levine

, by Peter A. Levine

Download Ebook , by Peter A. Levine

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, by Peter A. Levine

Product details

File Size: 951 KB

Print Length: 202 pages

Publisher: Sounds True; Pap/Com Or edition (May 1, 2012)

Publication Date: May 1, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#92,906 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

The authors present the approach and adeptly explain that chronic pain, even that with a physical basis, is based in known or unconscious trauma, bodily energy that is unreleased. This book is just full of techniques to help reduce that pain. There are so many, it is difficult to know where to even start, although the authors do present them in a sequence. All the techniques are based on some kind of energy movement and/or somatic methods and/or imagery and/or breathing techniques. I have done several of them and have not only learned more about my own body, but have gained some pain relief. Most must be done over time and regularly to get benefits, so selecting the ones to incorporate into your life can be a challenge. It is not that any are difficult to do or incorporate into your life, but as I have said, there are so many to select from. The authors do encourage you to journal about your pain, something I have always resisted doing. However, I did decide to do so as I read this book and was actually surprised at what I learned. Certainly, their perspective that those of us in pain have avoidance based attitudes (based on avoiding the pain) and don't know our own bodies well is true. This book encourages one to see their body as their friend and helper, even if your body is presenting you with a lot of pain. This book is a keeper.

I purchased the Kindle version. I have not yet read much of the book, but I am disappointed to find that the Kindle version does not seem to include the CD content. If you want access to those resources, do not buy the Kindle version.After I have read the book, I will come back and update this entry with a real review of the book content. If the authors or their representatives contact me with a way to get access to those materials for those who purchased the Kindle version, I will add that update to this review as well.

Peter Levine was the first author who made me feel I wasn't crazy. He KNOWS PTSD both from research and his own personal experience which makes him the foremost expert about it.Freedom from Pain comes with a CD with various breathing and vocal exercises. I began the CD a couple of weeks ago and have been listening to parts of it every single day. There are also simple exercises I can do throughout the day. I am slowly reading the book as well. Both have created improvements in me I never thought I would see.I have had severe, prolonged, chronic PTSD since 2000. I have also become mostly agoraphobic. I have a long road ahead in my life and I know it. However, I have been surprised by changes in my brain as I continue to listen and do the exercises on the CD that comes with this book. I find myself making more hopeful statements to myself and others. Others have also noticed the changes.I highly recommend trying this book and doing the exercises if you are suffering from trauma and pain. Try it for a couple of months every day and see if you experience any changes.

I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and bodyworker. I bought a copy of this at Whole Foods thinking that it would be nice to have it in the future for my clients who deal with pain. Within one day, I gave it to a friend who has been dealing with long time pain in her back from arthritis. She called me that night and was amazed at the difference just one exercise had made for her. I bought two more copies just to have them on hand and they are both already gone! I highly recommend this resource for anyone who is dealing with pain issues. The authors are top of the line experts. This is something that is really needed by the world. Thank you Peter Levine and Maggie Phillips for this great resource. I am looking forward to receiving the paperback coming out in May.PS: I got my copies of the new paperback book early. It is great! Especially good for people who prefer reading to listening to CDs. It is a wonderful compilation of both authors experience and knowledge. My recommendation for the book is just as high as for the CD set. They have non-judgemental and gentle ways of dealing with different types of pain. I am not dealing with a lot of pain myself, but I did one of the exercises when I was dealing with a very stressful situation and it grounded and calmed me right down. I'm giving one of the books to my sister who has diabetic neuropathy in her feet and hands. They have specific ideas for specific types of pain. If you are in pain and haven't been able to find anything to help, this may just be what you are looking for. There are so many ideas, that you are likely to find something that will work for you.

Btw, don't by Kindle version of this book because it doesn't contain audio, as others have noted.With that said, the book is thoughtful, insightful and obviously written by a practitioner who has experienced the trials and tribulations and yes triumphs of the pain recovery process.

This book was a waste of time and money for me. I did the exercises and did not get any results. I still have the same exact amount of pain.The book even indicates that you will need to see a professional of some sort. Then why do I need this book?I don’t think this book can cure anyone of anything.

This book is not simply theoretical, filled with the reasons you experience pain. It beautifully and systematically offers an insightful step by step process of how to release trauma held in the body that shows up as pain. After reading book after book on the somatic pain experience, this is the first book that actually gave me useful practices that midway through had an actual impact on my pain. I shall be reading this over and over until all of my trauma based pain is released.

I read this book, and I like it.

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, by Peter A. Levine PDF

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, by Peter A. Levine PDF


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