Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ebook Free , by Alex Williams Nick Srnicek

Ebook Free , by Alex Williams Nick Srnicek

Move forward to be better within brighter future! Everybody will certainly feel this wise word to find actual for their life. The dream, but that's not a dream. This is a genuine thing that all individuals can get when they truly can do the life well. To make you really feel successful to get to the future, some steps are needed. Among the steps that you could go through is reading, specifically guide.

, by Alex Williams Nick Srnicek

, by Alex Williams Nick Srnicek

, by Alex Williams Nick Srnicek

Ebook Free , by Alex Williams Nick Srnicek

Do not you bear in mind about the book that constantly accompanies you in every downtime? Do you till read it? Most likely, you will need new resource to take when you are bored with the previous book. Currently, we will certainly provide once more the really majestic book that is suggested. Guide is not the magic publication, yet it can handle something to be much bête. Guide is here, the , By Alex Williams Nick Srnicek

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Whatever your condition, analysis will certainly constantly provide you very easy scenario to be much fun. Yeah, the amusement publication will certainly reveal you its power to make individuals feel happy and also laugh. The social publication will certainly provide you brand-new understanding everyday about this life and also social connection. Politics and spiritual, something is large currently. It is also about how individuals will honour book, every sort of publication as the referred analysis product. We can start it from the , By Alex Williams Nick Srnicek

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, by Alex Williams Nick Srnicek

Product details

File Size: 1292 KB

Print Length: 256 pages

Publisher: Verso (November 17, 2015)

Publication Date: November 17, 2015

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#241,832 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This is the ninth book I've read on future technology's elimination of all unwanted human labor within 20 years .It is the first one that has seriously addressed the socio-political outfall and the steps necessary for the transition to a workless society in that short period of time. The book spends most of its length dealing with the history underlying our present economic conditions and then supplies the answer to the question of "What next?"It provides a superb analysis of neo-liberalism's rise and why post-WWII and more recent social and political movements have failed except for cosmetic changes .The two are intertwined .Robert Ford's " Rise Of The Robots: Technology and The Threat Of A Jobless Future" is also an excellent book to read before or after reading "Inventing...."

“Inventing the Future” by Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams offers both a practical strategy and hopeful vision of life beyond neoliberalism. The book is a collaboration between Mr. Srnicek, who is a progressive thinker, educator and author with Mr. Williams, who is a brilliant PhD student. The author’s breakthrough analysis suggests that a post-capitalist future is possible.Srnicek and Williams critique the “folk politics” of today’s Left for its failure to offer a systemic challenge to capitalism. The authors believe an equivalent to the Right’s Mont Pelerin Society is needed to articulate an expansive Leftist vision for a better future. An astute analysis supports the author’s contention that a Euro-centric capitalism must necessarily yield to a new, more encompassing concept of humanity whose “synthetic freedom” will know no boundaries.Fortunately, Srnicek and Williams offer a strategy to achieve a “post work consensus”. The key components of the strategy include: full automation (to free labor from routine work); a sharply reduced work week; and a universal basic income (UBI). The authors recognize that consensus-building must focus on persuading the media, academia and business of the necessity for change.On that point, I found Srnicek and Williams’ discussion of the world’s surplus population to be very informative. Capital has no solution to intractable unemployment in the global south that has been caused by a process of proletarianization in an era of post-industrialism. However, the looming prospect of “full unemployment” spreading to the north should be welcomed: humanity has an extraordinary opportunity to break the work ethic and the suffering religiosity of its primitive past. With the benefits of technology freely shared amongst a humanity that has been freed of brutality, greed and competition, one cannot help but be excited about the new horizons that might finally open up for us.I highly recommend this excellent book to everyone.

A hopeful and thorough analysis of how a post capitalist and post work future can arise. We can’t just be opposed to the current, neoliberal hegemony; we must articulate a counter-hegemony that reclaims modernity and the future. What sounds like sci-fi Utopianism at first feels like a rational path out of the current nightmare of late capitalism by the end of the book

The principle flaw in this and many other studies is that they treat work as a means of getting income. They fail to address the issue that a person's sense of who they are is tied to their "work".The book needs a strong editor. The author's ideas are buried in their "hesitancy" and thus the text's redundancy and questions whether this might be best presented in an abridged form.The extensive references and footnotes are an academic approach for validating what has been some careful thought. But amplify the lack of confidence or the paranoia of academic peer review. The pop ups on the kindle version are a nice technical touch but add little clarity to the text.

An incredibly playful, sobering book. The sobering part is the forces that conspire to make work disappear--of course automation affecting manufacturing, transport and now service sector jobs at all levels but also in equal measure a recognition that rates of economic growth are slowing down--there is simply too much capacity. What dies in that slow down is the promise of an integrative globalization, but what have we lost, most of us were not true believers. so far what the end of globalization seems to have produced is wide spread isolationist/right-wing/populism, but there's a chance for that to change.The author's formulate a theoretical and practical response to our present circumstances--laying claim to this abundance in the form of a demadn for a universal basic income. The end of work as we know it is coming (and really has long been here in one way in Detroit and another in the informal-economy cities of the so-called developing world). What we have with the concept of a basic income is to re-create the terms of this ending into a liberation, rather than the conditions of a new servitude.

If humanity is to survive something has to change. Neoliberalism/Capitalism isn't working. Life for the 99% is getting worse. The thinking behind the proposals presented here are radical, intelligent and plausible. It is unlikely that the future proposed can be achieved without a revolution, or a world government. Where is the leadership?

Brilliant critique of the left by figures of the left. I don't agree with the authors' conclusions but that isn't important. This is rigorous, engaging and challenging analysis and for once we are spared academic jargon and theory speak. A necessary book for the activist.

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