Sunday, July 31, 2011

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To overcome your daily problems, related to your jobs, this book can be read page by pages. Of course, when you have no deadline jobs, you will also need what offered by this book. Why? It serves something interesting to learn. When you really love to read, reading something, what you can enjoy is the topic that you really know and understand. And here, will concern with what you really need now and you need actually for your future.

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Feeling bored to invest the downtime or weekend or vacations without doing anything valuable? Spending times also often times is very easy, very simple. Yet, are all valuable sufficient? It is not your time to spend the time wasted. This is the moment to delight in all free time, however with such purposeful activities. Even having holiday by vacations somewhere, it is likewise valuable. And right here, you could likewise save your couple of times to check out a publication; the is exactly what we recommend for you.

As understood, book is popular as the window to open up the world, the life, and also brand-new point. This is what the people currently require so much. Even there are many individuals that do not like reading; it can be a choice as recommendation. When you really need the methods to develop the next inspirations, book will really assist you to the way. In addition this , you will have no regret to get it.

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Product details

File Size: 134462 KB

Print Length: 175 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1607748509

Publisher: Amphoto Books; Reprint edition (March 15, 2016)

Publication Date: March 15, 2016

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#46,475 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Seriously. If you are a beginner or are even an advanced user looking to refresh on the core principals of photography - get this book.After the first three chapters my photography was transformed. Don't buy another lens. Don't buy a new camera body. Buy this book first.

I had picked up a digital version of this book when I first started shooting and read it nearly cover to cover on a plane ride during a business trip. I put Bryan's tips to use as soon as the plane hit the ground and was immediately rewarded with some fine memories from the trip. That was some five years ago. When we purchased a digital camera for my girlfriend's son I immediately sought out the print version to put in the bag. He loved it and started using his camera the way it should be used - out of Program Mode!No book will create fantastic photos just by reading it. You still have to have an eye and be willing to experiment a little with what the camera can do. Bryan Peterson does an amazing job of challenging the novice photographer, getting them out of their comfort zone and thinking about the technical capabilities of these very complex pieces of equipment. I now unconsciously employ the exposure triangle whenever I'm setting up a shot whereas before I didn't really understand why some photos worked well and others didn't. Bryan's analogy of ISO settings compared to a number of construction workers or bees in a hive is a priceless gem that I have expressed several times to my photographer friends when we're out shooting.The examples provided in the book are plentiful and easily understood. An excellent read for any novice wanting to take their camera out of Auto and start taking 'real' photographs instead of snapshots.

I purchased the 3rd edition which was my first book on photography. After that, I bought many books on photography, but, did not keep them all. This was the book that never left my table. Just out of love and emotion, I purchased the 4th edition's Kindle version too. It is a keeper. If you are new to photography, you must get this book. All reviewers are already praising this book, I have nothing more to say. It is THE most important book on photography. It teaches you the very basic concept that you must carry on in your whole photography life.

I wanted to get into DSLR photography more since I will be using it more for work, but am interested in it for personal use as well. I really wanted to understand photographic techniques and really know how to set up any shot. This book did not disappoint. I found Bryan's approach and writing style unpretentious, straightforward and engaging. It really was a pleasure to read through. All of his photographic examples have a description of the exposure, as well as the settings he used. Very useful. I was pleased to learn he shoots in Manual mode most of the time. To be honest all the automatic functions of todays DSLRs can be overwhelming and sometimes difficult to get the results I want. In Manual mode (or even Aperture or Shutter priority), I have control and actually understand what I am doing. There are also plenty of useful tips as well that make this a worthwhile book that I will refer to over again.Shortly after I bought the book, I mentioned it to a friend who has been into DSLR photography for awhile, and told me he has an earlier edition and is one of the best books out there on exposure. His copy is well worn.

I purchased this book as I've always been particularly interested with low-light level photography and astrophotography. I noticed almost immediately I could take better photographs or images by bumping down an ISO level with my newly purchased Nikon D5600. I then realized I needed to learn how to use manual mode for manually choosing aperture and shutter speed for optimizing my skills, and shortly later I purchased this recently written book.PROS1) Includes at least one really good photo, if not two or three good photos at times, depicting each photo taking scenario described.2) Many photography taking scenarios described, targeting mainly using Manual mode, as the book's main theme is about using Manual mode instead of Program (Automatic) mode.3) I enjoy hearing those with experience, describing their personal recommendations based on sound reasoning. (eg. Author prefers using Center-weighted light metering, as it's a technique that has yet failed and has almost always worked. I, myself, was mainly using spot metering up until this recommendation within the book, but I still have a strong preference for spot metering due to my subjects usually causing difficult positions.)4) Author uses one or two good digital cameras (eg. Mostly Nikon D800E images with a few Nikon D3X images.), and he does thoroughly explain each scenario within generic camera terminology.CONS1) First chapter is extremely wordy! In other words, the author tends to go significantly astray, whether intending humor or reflecting needlessly upon a scenario. I do not mind one or two astray comments (or jokes) within the introduction or first chapter, or even throughout the book, but the first chapter was extremely taxing upon my free time for reading! Halfway through the book now and thankfully the (excessive) comments were kept to the first chapter!2) Does not describe how the digital camera performs light metering, until halfway through the book. Light metering becomes extremely critical when taking any photos or images of black or dark colored subjects, such as the book describes black cats. (I just happen to have a black cat, and was using him for photography imaging practice alongside the book! Other less knowledgeable people might have significant issues if they're unaware of this while reading the beginning half of the book.)3) The EBook version seems to be an EPUB file format with a size of ~10MB. Clearly after seeing the file size not disclosed by either the book publisher or the referred book vendor sites, the EPUB book format's included photo images are of very low resolution! Maybe this is because I purchased the book from Google Play, but I'm presuming all the EBook formats for this book are going to contain similar image resolution for all the formats, since the publisher is referring EBook purchases directly to the Amazon, IPad, Android specific book vendors. As I stated within this review, would be nice to have a PDF format containing much higher resolution images! (Added this #3 con and purchased the EPUB version on 2017.08.07.)TIP: As with all books containing color photographs, best to buy the book instead of an EBook version. As of yet, I do not think there is an EBook or PDF version for this book, and would only buy the PDF version if the PDF version contained all the color photographs within the print copy. Else, and somewhat self explanatory, the EBook version would be useless without any of the color photographs! On the flip, a college/university level book could likely describe all the photographs within the book, if a well explained description for each photograph were provided. It's how us older folks learned long ago, when photographs were rarely used within books or were too costly to publish!

There’s some very good bits of information buried among way too many dad jokes and useless stories about pictures he took which to be honest were mostly bad. I guess the pictures only need to demonstrate a concept, but even then what he was trying to show was often unclear since he rambles endlessly. He kept mentioning about how he would go into a subject more deeply, but the space of the book wouldn’t allow it. I would much rather have has good, hard information than be bored with stories which had no benefit. Overall, I don’t regret reading it, I guess. But I would suggest another book for more direct lessons.






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