Thursday, March 21, 2019

Ebook Free Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson

Ebook Free Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson

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Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson

Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson

Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson

Ebook Free Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson

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Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson

From the Inside Flap

Michael, Emily, and their parents explore Grand Canyon National Park. Wildlife can be elusive, and both kids are disappointed when, at first, they don't encounter many animals in the park. The kids quickly learn, however, that there are animals all around, and these creatures leave behind scat and tracks. Colorful illustrations of animals and their scat and tracks, and a quick-reference chart make field identification a breeze!

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About the Author

Gary Robson lives on a ranch near Yellowstone National Park in Montana. He received his teaching credential in 1987 and has taught in California and Montana colleges. He is an expert in closed captioning technology for deaf and hard-of-hearing people. He and his wife own an independent bookstore in Red Lodge, Montana. Elijah Brady Clark graduated from Montana State University-Bozeman with a degree in fine arts and graphic design. He works as an illustrator and designer.

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Product details

Age Range: 7 - 10 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 2

Paperback: 48 pages

Publisher: Farcountry Press; First edition (February 1, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1560373199

ISBN-13: 978-1560373193

Product Dimensions:

9 x 0.2 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

9 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#531,147 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Purchased several books for grandaughters headed to the Grand Canyon for the first time. THIS was their favorite. This is what they were eager to pursue when they arrived at the canyon to the delight of their tour guides. Great introduction to the animals that roam this landscape, the tools used to identify and locate them and the "other" way to look at the canyon. And must add, the adults had as much fun with it as the children!

If you celebrate the entire collection of national park "poop" books as I do you will find that the stories are eerily similar. Those kids don't remember much but boy does mom know a LOT about poop!

great book

In a good way though. I saw this book in the Grand Canyon Park, but did not buy it then. When I got home, it was available on Amazon for a little less money. The grandkids love now, talking about "Poop". They think its hilarious. S if you need to now what wild animals are lurking around your home, this is the book to buy.

My children love this series of books

Appeals to kids who love saying an on-the-edge word!

Reads very well and educational. Purchased for a 3 and 4 yr old.

This is a hilarious (and educational book). The book came in great condition; you cannot even tell it was pre-owned.

Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson PDF
Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson EPub
Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson Doc
Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson iBooks
Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson rtf
Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson Mobipocket
Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson Kindle

Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson PDF

Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson PDF

Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson PDF
Who Pooped in the Park? Grand Canyon National Park: Scat and Tracks for Kids, by Gary D. Robson PDF

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

PDF Ebook Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide)

PDF Ebook Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide)

Checking out ends up being on part of the life that must be done by everybody. Reading need to be thought from earlier to be practice as well as hobby. Also there are many people with alternative leisure activities; it doesn't mean that you can not appreciate checking out as other activity. Reading Insects, A Guide To Familiar American Insects (225 Species In Full Color, A Golden Nature Guide) is just one of the methods for you to boost your high quality of the life. It is such believed in the many resources.

Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide)

Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide)

Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide)

PDF Ebook Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide)

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Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide)

Product details


Publisher: Goldencraft (1956)


Package Dimensions:

6 x 4 x 0.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

1 customer review

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,545,476 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I consider this book a perfect primer on the subject of insects. I have always taken a copy of it on every interstate trip I have ever gone on to answer the inevitable question. " Daddy, what kind of bug is this?" The text is clear and concise. The illustrations are perfect, extremely accurate, lifelike, as well as pleasing to the eye. And the little maps adjoining every text are a very clever way to deliver that information without taking up a lot space. The quality and format of the entire Zim natural history sets the standard for all the rest. This is a quick reference format. One animal, one page of info and a portrait of said creature. The illustrations are top notch, perfectly done to show the subject in life like detail and coloration. I have always found the paintings to be much more pleasing to the eye than dead photographs. It should be noted that this is a quick reference guide, not an encyclopedia. While every major or common insect family may be covered, this is not meant to include every species of beetle or butterfly in the continental USA.There are a number of more comprehensive field guides that attempt that heady task. This is a general guide to illustrate the most common or conspicuous creatures found in a given area. I was first given this book, along with several other Zim guide books on different animal groups, ,a,mammals, fish, and reptiles. I read and reread them because they sparked my curiosity about each subject to the point that no one had to prod me into opening them. Today there are hundreds of flamboyantly illustrated, oversize tomes written in any number of styles. Many times they are full of dramatic photographs with amazing close ups. But after looking up a particular insect one can easily come away wondering what the bug actually looks like. Other tomes are huge and meant to be, they are covering the most ubiquitous form of life on earth. But whether shopping for a budding back yard naturalist, or to satisfy casual curiosity, this particular book on insects is the best illustrated and best written I have ever seen. I have never been without a copy and over my life time I have had to replace one worn out copy after another.

Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) PDF
Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) EPub
Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) Doc
Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) iBooks
Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) rtf
Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) Mobipocket
Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) Kindle

Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) PDF

Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) PDF

Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) PDF
Insects, a Guide to Familiar American Insects (225 Species in Full Color, a Golden Nature Guide) PDF

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