Friday, April 20, 2018

Ebook Download Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher

Ebook Download Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher

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Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher

Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher

Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher

Ebook Download Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher

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Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher


A New York Times Bestseller“Quite superb . . . a masterpiece.” —John le Carré“Less an adventure tale than a journalistic investigation of what has gone wrong in the Congo, and why . . . Butcher’s breadth of knowledge is both impressive and eclectic.” —Washington Post“Some travel is inspired, some courageous, some insane. And every now and then someone undertakes a trek that is all three, as happened when Butcher traveled the length of the Congo River . . . a gripping account of [Butcher’s] perilous journey through the heart of Africa and its embattled people.” —Seattle Post-Intelligencer“Devastating yet strangely exhilarating . . . [Butcher’s] tale is chock-a-block with gruesome details about the brutal Belgian rule of the late 19th century as well as the casual disregard for life on the contemporary scene. Part travelogue, part straight-forward reportage, Butcher’s story is a full-throated lament for large-scale human potential wasted with no reasonable end in sight.” —Publishers Weekly“A somber, eye-opening journey into the definitive heart of darkness . . . a brilliant account of a broken land, one that certainly deserves the attention this excellent book brings.” —Kirkus Reviews“Tim Butcher deserves a medal for this crazy feat. I marvel at his courage and his empathy with the unfortunate Congolese when he re-enacted Stanley’s appalling journey across the continent.” —Thomas Pakenham, author of The Scramble for Africa“This is a terrific book, an adventure story about a journey of great bravery in one of the world’s most dangerous places. It keeps the heart beating and the attention fixed from beginning to end.” —Fergal Keane, author of Season of Blood: A Rwandan Journey“It’s a fine book, and I greatly enjoyed it. It’s a story of the extraordinary courage, tenacity and endurance of two men: H.M. Stanley, and Tim Butcher, who wrote it. The DR Congo is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable countries on earth, and to have penetrated into the depths of its darkness and described it so fully is a great achievement. It even left me with more of an affection for Stanley than I have ever felt before. As for Butcher, I have nothing but admiration for him.” —John Simpson, author of Simpson’s World: Dispatches from the Front Line“A grim and gripping read.” —Christopher Hart, Sunday Times“Gripping.” —Esquire“From his adventure, [Butcher] has plundered a wealth of terrific stories and survived to recite a rosary of unstinting horror.” —Nicholas Shakespeare, The Telegraph“Butcher’s 21st century eye gives a whole new slant on [Stanley’s] African expedition.” —Sunday Express“Both stirring and thought-provoking.” —Anthony Daniels, Sunday Telegraph“What makes Blood River such a compelling read is the fact that the journey becomes an exercise in mental terror, the author skillfully conveying the exhaustion of six weeks on tenterhooks, wondering what might happen just around the next bend.” —Jim Blackburn, Wanderlust“A remarkable travelogue of exquisite proportions . . . nothing short of a modern-day masterpiece.” —Aesthetica Magazine“It throws light on a place that lives in such extreme darkness, most of us have lost sight of it completely. In doing so it reminds us that travel writing can still be exciting, uncompromising and politically relevant.”—Anthony Sattin, Spectator “Butcher’s account of his journey down the ‘Blood River’ is terrific in every sense . . . It is an extraordinarily compelling book by a talented writer with something to say—and I suspect that Conrad would have liked it very much indeed.” —Geographical Magazine“A remarkable, fascinating book by a courageous and perceptive writer. One of the most exciting books to emerge from Africa in recent years.” —Alexander McCall Smith“This is a terrific book, an adventure story about a journey of great bravery in one of the world’s most dangerous places.” —Fergal Keane, author of Season of Blood“An intrepid adventure. In making and describing this journey, Tim Butcher has followed in the footsteps of Stanley and Conrad. It takes a lot of guts to yomp through the Congo and he obviously has plenty of those. But it is the wit and passion of the writing that keeps you engrossed.” —Giles Foden, author of The Last King of Scotland“The day of the solitary intrepid traveler is not over. Tim Butcher’s extraordinary, audacious journey through the Congo is worthy of the great nineteenth-century explorers. Completely enthralling but also a thoughtful and sobering portrait of modern Africa.” —William Boyd, author of Restless“Tim Butcher deserves a medal for this crazy feat. I marvel at his courage and his empathy with the unfortunate Congolese when he reenacted Stanley’s appalling journey across the continent.” —Thomas Pakenham, author of The Scramble For Africa“Tim Butcher has written a wonderful adventure story about one of the least known regions of modern Africa—because it is among the most dangerous. Blood River represents a remarkable marriage of travelogue and history, which deserves to make Tim Butcher a star for his prose, as well as his courage.” —Max Hastings, author of Armageddon: The Battle For Germany

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Product details

Paperback: 384 pages

Publisher: Grove Press; First Trade Paper edition (September 1, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0802144330

ISBN-13: 978-0802144331

Product Dimensions:

5.4 x 1 x 8.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

186 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#158,393 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Without the publication of this fascinating account of one man's arduous journey across a continent and through a forgotten country, the world would be worse off. The author weaves together historical accounts of the few who preceded him: Henry Stanley ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume."), Robert Conrad (Heart of Darkness), Evelyn Waugh, Graham Greene, and Barbara Kingsolver (The Poisonwood Bible). This makes the book much more than just a travel report but also a bibliography as wide and as deep as the mighty Congo River.

This was a gripping story of a dangerous journey through almost unbelievably primitive conditions. Much of what he related about his encounters was almost unbelievable to read about in the 21st C. I've traveled to third world and developing world, and have seen the incongruity of people on oxcarts with cell-phones etc. as they progress unevenly--but progress they do! But there is none of that on his journey. No sign of the 21st C, and almost none of the 20th C remaining in the area he traveled through. It broke my heart to realize how the world has ignored and forgotten the suffering DRC people. Mr. Butcher is a very interesting writer, and I appreciated the regional history as well as the story of his own tribulations and perseverance (although at times I thought he was just plain crazy to continue!). I would have given this book a "5 star" but the end of the book just petered out, so the end was a bit of a disappointment. Nonetheless, highly recommended!

I just finished reading both this and Jeffrey Tayler's Facing the Congo: A Modern-Day Journey into the Heart of Darkness, which describes a similar journey. The two books are quite different in their approaches to the material, but they lend themselves to comparison, and on the whole, this book, Blood River, comes out ahead.The premise of this work is simple. The author, at the time the Africa corespondent for the Daily Telegraph, decides to retrace the journey of the most famous Daily Telegraph correspondent of a previous era: Henry Morton Stanley. He prepares for this trip for years, reading extensively about Stanley, the Congo, and Africa in general before starting his remarkable trip. After first flying to the shores of Lake Tanganyika, he the follows, using mostly modern conveyances, the route pioneered over a century before by Stanley. Throughout he compares his experiences with those of the prior explorer, and with the experiences of only a few decades ago, at the time of the Belgian colony. I was amazed to learn how developed the Congo had been prior to its independence. A modern joke, which does not feature in this book, but which applies completely goes as follows: a child asks his grandparent "what did you use for light before candles were invented?" and the grandparent replies "Electricity." The constant refrain of this book is the elderly, 70+ year old crowd, who remember clean water, good roads, good hospitals, the rule of law, and electric light, while their grandchildren work as subsistence farmers or mercenaries.Butcher writes as a journalist, and it shows. His ability to bring even a savage and dangerous "undeveloping" country to vivid, engrossing light is superb. His research before the trip shows as well, in his asides about flora, fauna, and the monuments he discovers. His point in making the trip was a deeper understanding of the country, and this is where the starkest contrast is seen between his work and Tayler's. Tayler states at the opening of his book that the journey was one of self discovery, and that book is much more inward focused and solipsistic. It is surprising then, that I feel the reader gets a better picture of Butcher than of Tayler, as we see his interest in, and concern for, the people he encounters. His closing paragraphs add a note of hope to an otherwise bleak look at the "broken heart of Africa". Which is a wonderfully coined phrase, by the way.The book is written in British English, with an occasional word I had to look up as an American reader. (I had never heard the term "tatty" before reading this). Occasionally he repeats himself, with some key phrases repeated more than once. Butcher describes Mobutu's "singlehanded" prevention of Congo's success on at least three occasions, using very similar wording. But these are relatively minor quibbles with an otherwise excellent work.Highly recommended.

Another Western journalist's account of his travels through a war-torn African country, this time, the Congo. For anyone who read and enjoyed King Leopold's Ghost, this book can almost serve as a sort of sequel. In it, Tim Butcher attempts to retrace Henry Morton Stanley's portentous journey through the Congo over a century before. A friend of the author ironically points out, it's probably more dangerous to trek across the Congolese bush now than it was in Stanley's day.So, I admit the book's premise may be a little bit gimmicky, but Tim Butcher's voice more than makes up for it. He's a great writer and a genuinely likable person. (For those of you who have watched the show Survivor Man, imagine a Les Stroud who reads.) I found him to be sincere and direct - equal parts compassionate and honest. And despite his incredible hubris in undertaking this mission, he's surprisingly gentle-spirited and not at all pretentious.And just when I would begin to categorize him as a sort of straight-forward, no-frills writer, he would sideswipe me with a beautifully written description of something or someone he found compelling in the Congo, like a rusted piece of Belgian railroad track overtaken by the bush, or the frenetic Congolese priest lamenting the absence of law and order, or the man who was willing to give his four-year-old child to a complete stranger to save him from the Congo. I definitely enjoyed this book enough to pick up his next one right away.

Part history, part travel book, part social commentary, this is a fascinating and often disturbing look at the Congo and the author's observations as he attempts to retrace the journey of explorer Henry Stanley in the late 19th century through the most rugged and hostile terrain imaginable. Fantastically written and full of keen observations, this is a wonderful account of a country that has been brutalized and exploited, one that seems to have been left behind by the modern world.

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Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher PDF

Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher PDF

Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher PDF
Blood River: The Terrifying Journey Through The World's Most Dangerous Country, by Tim Butcher PDF

Friday, April 13, 2018

Download PDF Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See... Ranked, by Lonely Planet

Download PDF Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See... Ranked, by Lonely Planet

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Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See... Ranked, by Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See... Ranked, by Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See... Ranked, by Lonely Planet

Download PDF Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See... Ranked, by Lonely Planet

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Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See... Ranked, by Lonely Planet


Even if you never leave home, you’ll feel you’ve seen the world with this comprehensive armchair-travel guide. (USA Today)The vagabond always eyeing the nearest exit will be transported by this guide to the world's unmissable places―the Temples of Angkor, Big Sur and 498 others―put together by a leading voice in excursions, adventures and jaunts. (O, The Oprah Magazine)I love this book. You NEED this is just so gorgeous to look at and I want to visit all 500 of the world’s best places to visit (and they’re ranked)! It’s a great book to browse for ideas, gush over the gorgeous pictures and just learn more about the world. This is a great coffee table book and it’s also very giftable. (Bookaholic Beauty)

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Product details

Series: Lonely Planet

Hardcover: 328 pages

Publisher: Lonely Planet; 1 edition (August 1, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1760342777

ISBN-13: 978-1760342777

Product Dimensions:

9.3 x 1.1 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

163 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#14,982 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I was looking for a unique Christmas gift for my globe trotting son. This book has spectacular photography, outlines itineraries for ideas and is written very well. It sits on his coffee table and is well read by all his guests.

I've traveled to 28 countries and cumulatively spent 25 months of the last 10 years abroad. My family and friends consider me well-traveled and frequently ask for advice about where they should travel. I have places I remember fondly and can recommend, but travel is so personal, and what is amazing for one person can be lackluster for another. Also, I've been a lot of places, but I haven't actually been EVERYWHERE.So now, when I rattle off recommendations, I also recommend this book. I personally use this book to discover lesser known gems in countries I plan trips to. But it is also useful for novice travelers to discover what the world offers. I purchased a copy of this book for my younger brother who graduated college and wanted to go on a longer term travel adventure but didn't know where he should go. He pored over the book and discovered many places he had never heard of and was able to piece together a rough itinerary.It's also just a wonderful coffee table book: beautiful photography and a great conversation starter.

I like the way the book is organized. In rank order. It also includes a map of the world with the top 100 places marked. This was helpful when I knew I was going to be in one place in the world due to my job and where were the closest cool things to check out.There is just a paragraph or so on each place. Just enough to give a quick summary which means you don't have to read through a bunch of stuff you don't want to to find the places your interested in. Definitely need to have you internet close by to dig deeper into the places that seem interesting.If you are looking for interesting places to visit around the world but not sure where to go next then give this a try.

This book isn't nearly as good as National Geographic s Destinations of a Lifetime. The book itself is curling up at the corners and the photos won't lay flat. The actual Destinations are good, but many don't have pictures or tell you more than a sentence or two, so it's hard to get excited about the places they are telling you about. That being said, the are some nice photos and the map that is included is quite helpful.

A measure of my like for this book is the fact that I promptly purchased a new copy when my original fell off a table and separated from the spine. You can debate the order of the rankings, and even the inclusion or exclusion of certain sites, but there's no denying that it presents a legitimate list of places worth visiting in your lifetime, assuming you can get to them (hey Iran). Stunning color photography of some of the sites reach out to you from the pages, and the index does a fantastic job of allowing you to search by name, country, or city to zero in on locations. On trips to Germany, Iceland, and Asia, we viewed the suggested list of sites by country and organized our trips around visiting some or all of the suggested sites. If there's a knock on the book it's that obviously opinions will differ on the 500 best places to see, and the information provided on each site is somewhat limited, but otherwise, a fantastic book for anyone bitten by the travel bug.

Simply put, I own over a hundred travel books and this is my favorite. Its sets out 500 destinations, many which you have heard of and many which you have not. Dozens of beautiful photographs of most but not all of the destinations. Its a great idea book and helps create the travel bucket list. No book is perfect and this one has its faults. First, there are no photos for many (one fourth?) of the destinations. No photo for Number Four - The Great Wall of China. Really? And many other missing photos. Second, how can you compile a list of the 500 best places in the world to visit and not include Bali? Third, and this is quibbling, the cover does not do this book justice. I think a few photos would have been better. Still, its a worthy book for travelers and arm chair travelers alike. I gave a copy to friends who have been to more than 100 countries and to friends who have been to 10. All loved it. Highly recommended.

What a beautiful book! I originally intended for this to be more of a research tool to help me decide future travel adventures. However, upon receipt, it's way more high quality and beautiful than I was expecting. Now I don't want it to get beat up and am contemplating displaying it instead, lol... Just to keep other's grimey hands off! I encountered no printing issues from other reviews that had me hesitating before buying. Also, it came with a map that displayed where the top 100 places were located, which I wasn't aware was included. Neat surprise.

Beautiful book, starting from the cover and all the way to the last page. The pictures are breathtaking. Each destination has a small description of the place and little tips when visiting or for how to get there. The index is awesome, is divided into two categories, "themes" and "country", to make your search easier. The only thing I didn't like that much is that as the list goes on, there are no pictures for every destination and the description of each place starts getting shorter and shorter. It makes a very beautiful and thoughtful gift for anyone who wants to travel the world. My boyfriend and I are going to use this book to plan our next travels. Buy this book!!!Bonus: The book includes a world map with the first 100 destinations identified!

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Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See... Ranked, by Lonely Planet PDF

Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See... Ranked, by Lonely Planet PDF
Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See... Ranked, by Lonely Planet PDF

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Ebook Free The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry and More, by Liz Dean

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The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry and More, by Liz Dean

The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry and More, by Liz Dean

The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry and More, by Liz Dean

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The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry and More, by Liz Dean

About the Author

Liz Dean (London, England) is a professional tarot reader and Angelic Reiki™ Healer at Psychic Sisters in Selfridges, London. A best-selling tarot author, Liz had studied divination for over 20 years. Liz is the author of The Golden Tarot (over 300,000 sold worldwide), The Ultimate Guide to Tarot, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads, The Victorian Steampunk Tarot, Fairy Tale Fortune Cards, 44 Ways to Talk to Your Angels, The Tarot Companion, and Tarot Made Simple. Liz is also one of the “Tarot Masters” included in Kim Arnold's eponymous collection of 38 essays. She is also a former co-editor of the UK's leading spiritual magazine, Kindred Spirit (2011–2013), and an award-winning poet. 

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Product details

Hardcover: 176 pages

Publisher: Fair Winds Press (January 22, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1592338739

ISBN-13: 978-1592338733

Product Dimensions:

5.4 x 0.6 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.1 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.0 out of 5 stars

1 customer review

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#455,935 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I'm not sure what the difference is between this book and the author's previous book "The Ultimate Guide To Divination". I previewed both of them on Amazon but chose this because of the layout (product design is just as important to me as the content itself and this book has both). It's a good overview of several different kinds of Divination. It's not exactly comprehensive but it's not basic either. Love this reference guide!

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The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry and More, by Liz Dean PDF

The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry and More, by Liz Dean PDF

The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry and More, by Liz Dean PDF
The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry and More, by Liz Dean PDF

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