Friday, January 16, 2015

Get Free Ebook , by Jean Grainger

Get Free Ebook , by Jean Grainger

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, by Jean Grainger

, by Jean Grainger

, by Jean Grainger

Get Free Ebook , by Jean Grainger

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, by Jean Grainger

Product details

File Size: 969 KB

Print Length: 408 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: June 3, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#10,583 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I enjoy historical fiction and this fit the bill. My main complaint is the political statements in the beginning....Democrats are great and Republicans are scourge of the earth. Seriously? Save it for a political tract. Very off putting. Plus the affair in the beginning was a bit hard to believe. Together review dropped from four to three stars.

This historical novel is an intertwining story of two cities New York, and Dublin, and two personalities, attractive young New York political journalist Scarlet O'Hara, and the elderly spinster Eileen Chiarello, whose parents were brave volunteers and participants in the Irish uprising of Easter 1916. This historic event led to years of violence and turmoil in Ireland for the right of the country to determine their own destiny.I loved reading Jean Grainger's third novel. Her account of dramatic events is moving without being exaggerated. Sure it is written from an Irish perspective, but it is written with considerable insight and great sensitivity. A more peaceful world will only come with greater understanding of other viewpoints and justice for disadvantaged minorities. May that which unites mankind triumph over that which divides our world into warring groups.I wished that there were foot-notes or a glossary at the end to translate and assist in the pronunciation of the Irish names and words. Although there is much historical detail in the text, I would have found an historical appendix of considerable interest.

Scarlett O'Hara is an up and coming journalist until she makes the mistake of having an affair with a very public figure. Her previous editor tries to help her get back on her feet. The seemingly small story he ask her to cover regarding an attempted burglary on a 93 year old woman, Eileen, proves to be her lifeline and redemption. Eileen has a history worth telling and the friendship that develops between Scarlett and Eileen helps them both to achieve want they need at this time in their livesThe characters in this novel have such depth and are easy to like and cheer for. The history of the rift between Ireland and England as told from the Irish perspective brings to life what families were willing to fight for and believe in. There is romance but this book is mostly about family ties, friendships, history, forgiveness and coming full circle. A good read.

Bad writing is a deal breaker for me, but I usually give a book at least until the twenty-five percent mark. Not this time. Bad writing combined with poor grammar and the author's personal political bias is just plain awful. No thanks.

I didn't like it.It would have been a good story but when author added her own political views it ruined the story ..Glad it was a freebie and I didn't waste money buying it.

**Contains some spoilers** The writing wasn't bad on this one but it definitely needs a re-edit. There is a lot of mistakes throughout. While I did greatly enjoy the story of Mary, I had issues with the Scarlett storyline. It just didn't ring true to me. She's this hot shot, up and coming political reporter who sits meekly by the phone for her married boyfriend to contact her, even after he throws her under the bus?!? Yet she is ticked off at her Mom for not leaving Scarlett's abusive father. Her Mom didn't have many options but Scarlett did. So what's her excuse? I guess I just didn't like the character, which made it difficult to care about her storyline.

Shadow of a Century - A well written, sad but uplifting story set in both Ireland and New York. The characters are well developed and interesting. The storylines are well thought out and hold your attention, especially the last three-quarters of the book. If you enjoyed Maeve Binchy's Coming Home, you'll enjoy both books by Jean: Shadow of a Century and Letters of Freedom. I disagreed with main character's comments on a gun-crazed USA and the Democrats fixing all problems if in power. US politics aside, the story is worth reading.Letters of Freedom #1 - Heartwarming. A well written, sad but uplifting story about two women and their losses. The short story is mesmerizing and can't be put down and ends too soon. Although the two don't meet, they end up sharing the same family. The abandoned child finds she had someone all along and now she's part of a real family and treasured. I contacted the author to review her books after reading Shadow.The Future's Not Ours To See #2 - Starts where Letters of Freedom ends. A well written emotional ride of a story. The plot is fast paced and filled with a gamut of emotions. All the characters have personalities and are realistic, as is their dialog. This author does a wonderful job with descriptions of all sorts; and she carries you from emotion to another as the story unfolds. The agony and growth of the main female character is heart wrenching and uplifting at the same time. The metamorphosis she experiences is awe inspiring; yes, you can say she becomes a beautiful butterfly with all the love and the support. I wish I could say more, but this is a review, not a book report.Everything I've read by this author is well worth the time invested. You walk away with something substantial that actually has meaning. There are so many fun, likable characters that when an evil one appears, it is dramatic. Start with Letters of Freedom and finish the journey with The Future's Not Ours To See.Under Heaven's Shining Stars - This story reminded me so much of Angela's Ashes. Both stories are so well told about life in a poor Irish neighborhood; although Angela's is a true story written by her son about their lives. The story is mesmerizing and I took days to devour this intense story of love, caring, acceptance and terror. The characters just blossomed, growing into maturity and grace as their lives unfolded. The story and neighborhood is typical regardless of where you live, especially during that time period when people were closer with their neighbors and communities.Even with the bad parts, the story left warmhearted and loving and happy feelings, along with the horror. There so many ways these characters could have gone and become, but their love and support kept an even keel and good won. All the books written by this author have been very good to excellent; I highly recommend her work. This is my favorite book so far. 5*

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, by Jean Grainger PDF

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

PDF Download I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books)

PDF Download I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books)

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I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books)

I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books)

I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books)

PDF Download I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books)

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I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books)

Product details

Series: Playing Dressing Up Picture Books (Book 1)

Paperback: 28 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (December 7, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1981357998

ISBN-13: 978-1981357994

Product Dimensions:

8.5 x 0.1 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.7 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,508,083 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Cute pirate adventure that has a rhyming story as two friends dress up and have some great fun. I think the book is well done and find some kids books are better when read in a paperback than e-book because the text seems a bit off. That didn't deter fromm the story and the author did a great job making the book fun for kids to read alone or share.

Could this character be Jack Sparrow as a young child? he could very well be imagining sailing the seven seas in search of adventure and treasure.Another illustrated story from a talented author who appears to be a compulsive writer.There is a new illustrator by the name of Andy Wegg, the pairing of two talented people like this can only mean many more books of this genre.

I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) PDF
I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) EPub
I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) Doc
I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) iBooks
I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) rtf
I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) Mobipocket
I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) Kindle

I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) PDF

I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) PDF

I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) PDF
I'm a Cheeky Pirate: funny, rhyming story / picture book about pirates and dressing up (Playing Dressing Up Picture Books) PDF

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